
Voices and Choices is a grassroots discussion community consisting of adults living with disabilities (complex physical, developmental, and/or medical needs), their families, loved ones, supports and care providers. It is an open and safe place where we listen to each voice and work together to achieve the environment most desirable to the individual living with a disability.

This may include but not limited to:

  • Living meaningful lives in their own space.
  • Obtaining the care they need and want without discrimination and feeling vulnerable.
  • Direct their care seamlessly to meet their current needs.
  • Supported decision-making for those that are non-verbal or unable to indicate their wishes easily.


  • Monthly meetings (In-person and online) for informal discussions and information sharing.
  • Assist others who request help to access their needs, including supportive housing, advocacy strategies, COVID vaccinations, understanding financial options such as Henson funds and RDSPs, accessibility issues, interpreting and navigating agencies and organizations etc.
  • Sharing local resources such as tax help for people living with a disability.
  • Provide opportunities for socialization and contact.
  • Online activities such as “Trivia Games” and “Exercise & Connect” nights.
  • Maintain a website and newsletter for keeping participants informed.


Voices and Choices serves as a discussion, information sharing, and support network for individuals with complex physical, developmental, and/or medical needs and their families.


The people of Voices and Choices believe no one should feel alone. We believe everyone has value, and their voices should be heard and respected. We believe we are a community that genuinely engages with one another as we encourage, support and listen to each voice represented.

Our vision is that everyone will have:

  • Adaptable and flexible person-centred care.
  • Safe, secure housing of choice for life, and
  • Participation in community life.


Voices and Choices values:

  • Inclusion.
  • Dignity.
  • Engagement.
  • Respect.
  • Equal value given to all people, regardless of the type or degree of disability.